Dahua Config Tool Download and Install for MacOS

dahua config tool download and install for mac

Dahua Config Tool download and install for MacBook – Dahua config tool is software used to set up Dahua IP CCTV cameras. Starting from setting the IP address, adding a password and so on.

How to download and install Dahua Config Tool on MacOS?

Dahua config tool can be run on Windows and MacOS computers. MacOS devices include the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and iMac. Below we have written a guide to downloading and installing the Dahua Config Tool software for MacOS.

Download and install Dahua Config Tool on MacBook

If you are a CCTV camera technician like us who uses MacOS devices, don’t worry. Because we will help you to download and install Dahua Config Tool. For the steps, you can read the article below.

Download andl Dahua Config Tool for MacOS.

  1. Access the page https://dahuawiki.com/ConfigTool or https://us.dahuasecurity.com/support/software-downloads-and-tools/
  2. Choose Mac Download.
  3. Click on the Dahua Config Tool application file that has been downloaded.
  4. Exract file.


After the file has been successfully extracted, an application with the IP logo will appear. Iru is the logo of the Dahua Config Tool application. Click the application to open it. An example of a logo is as below.

The Dahua Config Tool software dashboard page is as below.


It’s quite easy, isn’t it?

Dahua Config Tool is special software that can be used to make settings on Dahua IP CCTV cameras. Da is used for brands other than Dahua. Coa is like the SADP Tool which can only be used for Hikvision IP CCTV cameras.

That’s all the information about downloading and installing the Dahua Config Tool software for MacOS. Hope it is useful.

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